Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fall Semester Reflection

Do you read your colleagues’ work online? How often? What is it like to read their work? How does being able to see everyone’s work online at any given time change the way you do your work?
I do read my colleagues' work online. By reading their work, I help understand the material better. Since I am able to see everyone's work online, it makes my work extremely better. For example, if a person has ten more posts than me, then I will add more posts that are relevant to the material. Or not.
How has the publicly and always visible course blog made this course different from one without a blog? How would the course change if the course blog disappeared tomorrow?
I believe this course is more college-related than any other class I've ever had. Since we are becoming aware of the technology we have, we are given more opportunities.  Also, if I didn't understand something in class, I look at Dr. Preston's blog. If the course blog disappeared tomorrow, I honestly have no idea what I would do! I wouldn't know how to live up to what we are required to do because the blog has became a neccessary and valuable resource.
Has publishing your work for the public to see changed your approach to completing an assignment? How so? How would your feelings about the course change if you couldn’t publish your work that way?
Since my work has became public, I expect to do a better job on it than I would on paper. I believe that people who don't know you, might not get what you are trying to say, so you must make it very comprehensive, and detailed. I think I would still feel like another student if I didn't have my blog. Also, I like saying, "Yeah, it's on my blog."
Has your experience of the physical classroom changed because of the open & online aspects? Where does your learning actually happen?
My learning actually happen on the internet and with my classmates. By using a resource we were all unknown to, it creates a bond when you have people going through the confusion. Collaboration is the way to succeed in the real world, we're just getting a step ahead on things.
You were described in the Macarthur Foundation/DML interview as “a pioneer”-- how do you describe the experience on the edge to people who haven’t been there (friends and family)?
It's been a rocky experience. Very stressful, yet inspiring. This class has helped me shape my habits into college material. I am thinking in different ways, and I am learning differently as well. We are becoming the future, one blog post at a time.
How do they respond when you describe the brave new world in which you’re working?
They respond as you'd expect, shocked. They end up talking about the old days, where the textbook was the only information you had. Also, how students only do things for a point, or a grade. However, students should be doing it for self-benefit for the future.
What do their responses mean to you? What effect(s) (if any) do they have on you?
Their responses reveal how we are going through a whole new way or learning. We are changing the future, and opportunities for others. Therefore, we are becoming the creators.

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