Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Brave New World Ch 7

Chapter 7 reveals the truth! The Director name ends up being named Tomakin. Huxley infers that he is an Indian boys father created from natural conception. (This is considered scandalous) As the chapter progresses, we are able to understand the characters more. Using direct characterization, Lenina is DIRECTLY said to a be a stuck up b**** due to the comments on the appearance of the Indian boy's mother, Linda. >>Community, Identity, Stability.<<

Huxley makes parallelism obvious and eye opening in this chapter.

Brave New World 6

Repetition- "Odd, odd, odd, was Lenina's verdict on Bernard Marx. So odd, indeed, that in the course of the succeeding weeks she had wondered more than once whether she shouldn't change her mind about the New Mexico holiday." p.87

Imagery- "She was appalled by the rushing emptiness of the night, by the black foam-flecked water heaving beneath them, by the pale face of the moon, so haggard and distracted among the hastening clouds." p.90

Syntax- "He began to talk a lot of incomprehensible and dangerous nonsense. Lenina did her best to stop the ears of her mind; but every now and then a phrase would insist on becoming audible. " try the effect of arresting my impulses, " she heard him say. The words seemed to touch a spring in her mind." p.93

Also another thanks to

I,also, want to add Huxley uses the same lit terms throughout the chapters. He also uses indirect and direct characterization.

Brave New World 4 & 5

Repetition-"Go down," it said, "go down. Floor Eighteen. Go down, go down. Floor Eighteen. Go down, go...." p.59

Simile- "The summer afternoon was drowsy with the hum of passing helicopters; and the deeper drone of the rocket-planes hastening, invisible, through the bright sky five or six miles overhead was like a caress on the soft air." p.59

Characterization- "The chubby red face of Benito Hoover was beaming down at him-beaming with manifest cordiality. Benito was notoriously good-natured." p.60

Analogy- "Like the vague torsos of fabulous athletes, huge fleshy clouds lolled on the blue air above their heads." p.61

Setting- "An incessant buzzing of helicopters filled the twilight. Every two and a half minutes a bell and the screech of whistles announced the departure of one of the light monorail trains which carried the lower caste golfers back from their separate course to the metropolis." p.72

Unfortunately I do not have a hard copy of the book & was having trouble labeling lit terms. Therefore, I checked out my classmate blog. It was excellent! Check it out!